Having enough funds to develop your idea is a vital step in the product development process. Here are a few ways you can raise funds to get your project on its feet.
Self-funding. This is a great way to get your project started and allows us to get the preliminary phases done. We highly encourage you to seek investors to further fund your project, so you can rapidly develop your idea.
Friends & Family. Who best to back you than your friends and family? Got a cousin that believes in your idea? Offer them a partnership for a small percentage of the company (10-20% max), Maybe your dad is a heart surgeon who you can guilt-trip a few bucks out of.
Getting A Loan. Business loans, bank loans, private loans… A loan is a great way to get the money you need to further develop your project or idea right away.
Crowdfunding. Kickstarter, Gofundme, and Indiegogo are a few of the online resources you can utilize to have people around the world help fund your project to completion! Some platforms, such as Kickstarter, are all or nothing funding.
Invention-Themed Reality TV. One of our clients had appearances on both Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch Edison Nation’s Everyday Edisons, where he received not one, but two different offers to have his product ideally fully funded.